Stripe now supports businesses that use crypto payments

Stripe has now released a version to support web3 companies or companies that want to allow payments in crypto. This allows businesses to use stripe as a payment method for NFTS and Crypto. Some of the services stripe is offering include: pay-ins and pay-outs, KYC and identity verification and fraud prevention.

John Collison, Co-Founder at Stripe announces on his twitter

Read More: Stripe Patners with FTX to build payments and Identify Verification Infrastructure

Some of the features of their solution include:

  • Identity and KYC(Know Your Customer) – help onboard legitimate users and exclude fraudsters while staying compliant with government regulations and requirements.
  • Fast Payouts – Stripe allows programmatic sending of payouts to sellers, users and creators in their fiat currencies.
  • Fiat Acceptance – Stripe allows the use of over the 135 currencies in the world andf easy adaptation to different customer’s payment preferences.
  • Anti-Fraud – Stripe uses Machine learning models to detect and stop fraud

Businesses such as NFT Marketpaces, Exchanges and Wallets are in prime positions to use the Stripe API for their business.

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