Thebhub: An African startup accelerating innovation in Blockchain and AI.

Contrary to what many countries in the African continent do, nurturing of the next wave of blockchain and AI developers should commence at an early stage. If corporates and authorities roll out a mechanism to identify and train people from when they are kids, the African tech market could benefit greatly in achieving the development goal sit has set for the future. The African continent needs sufficient mechanisms that provide infrastructure and funding for young people that wish to make careers in the technology sector. That being said, the web3 and AI(Artificial Intelligence) domains can solve a lot of scalability problems in the continent and give rise to new first class economies in the near future. Economies are not just advanced through collection of taxes but also through numerous innovations that create and grow wealth.

Thebhub is an African startup that does just this, facilitates innovation in the blockchain and AI sectors while teaching kids how to code for future posterity. The startup was launched in 2018 and acts as an innovation hub that accelerate development in the African continent. Its primary goal is to provide education in software development centered around AI and blockchain from an early stage in the developers’ lives. The startup was co-founded by Granville Wafula and Abdulwalli Sharif, a global trader and serial Investor. Mr Sharif also doubles as the firms chairman as well as other numerous organizations including, and Since Thebhub started, it has attracted partners including Progate, IBM, Nairobi Garage and Pivotal Tracker. The firm has also gained trust from investors like Sahl, Tekwise, Safaricom PLC and Sentiment Analytcis.t

In a nutshell. Thebhub organizes competent software development teams for upcoming startups and SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises). Under this initiative, the firm hopes to link the local ecosystem with the much needed technology talent so as to foster growth. This scheme runs under the SME innovation program where small and medium firms are facilitated in hiring and scaling software engineering teams to implement their business objectives. The firm also offers this services on credit to its users. This mechanism is seamless since organizations have to sign up to the firm’s online portal. The firm will then call its new clients to understand their innovation and team requirements. After the requirements are made clear, the clients then sign an agreement based on the nature of their requested services and a team is set up to handle those requirements. The clients can then meet with their software development teams and begin a journey towards greatness. This facilitation could be just what African entrepreneurs need to make their ideas a reality.

The firm also offers services to software developers. This comes in the form of technical support in solving coding assignments as well as organizing frequent hackathons that give rise to talented individuals that are then hired to form software development teams for startups and SME’s. As a developer, the journey at Thebhub begins with gaining membership in their developer circles and then selecting the industry you want to innovate solutions to. After this, a developer can choose a problem that he/she wants to solve an develop an MVP(Minimum Viable Product) as a solution to the problem all while enjoying facilitation from the firm. When developers are ready, they can then be hired to form teams for industry work.

Thebhub offers several benefits to its members including access to software development services on credit and guidance on deployment of business tools. The firm also offers top talent at affordable prices and discounted access to startup events to its members.

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